Work With Us and Enjoy These Benefits

Freedom to Specialize

We believe that topic should be able to specialize in any service that you want

1:1 Coaching

Receive monthly coaching to help achieve you goals faster

Mentorship Program

In 16 weeks we will be getting you on the floor and get your hands in some hair! We will help you get your career underway

Time Off

You will have complete autonomy over your schedule

Tax Benefits

All employees of the studio are W2 employees That means for you no uncertainty during tax season


Working with Professional financial institution to set up savings account and/or educational funding

Create Your
Own Schedule

You choose your hours and days you would like to work without restrictions

Open Door

You can come and go as you please, work multiple locations

Back Bar

We supply all of the color, shampoo, conditioner, fixatives, masks, treatments, towels, capes, foils, cellophane, and even brushes

Choose Your
Own Rate

All of our stylist use the time based pricing method that is completely gratuity free. This allows our stylist to charge their worth, not based on bench marks, levels or retail completions


No product charges, no special service deductions. Your 46% is yours plain and simple. All mandatory meeting will be paid the minimum wage

Raise Prices

We do not bench mark or have a level system. If you are investing in to your growth we believe that you deserve a raise. You get to dictate when that comes